Arketipo Night Fever 沙發
Giuseppe Viganó 的 Night Fever 是關於你的時刻,是你捕捉你的夜晚,你的方式,創造你的記憶,當你需要逃離到一個完全舒適的地方時觸發它們的時間。 設計是主觀的、個人的、想像的過程,在這裡,有了 Night Fever,你的想像力迫切需要探索。 這是一張沙發,它希望您找到自己的位置、舒適度以及創造終極生活感的抱負。
Arketipo Night Fever Sofa
Night Fever by Giuseppe Viganó is about your moment, a time for you to capture your evening, your way, to create your memories, to trigger them when you need to escape into a place of total comfort. Design is subjective, personal, a process of the imagination and here, with Night Fever, your imagination is crying out to be explored. This is a couch that wants you to find your spot, your comfort, your ambition to create your ultimate sense of living.
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LINE: @masha.carino