Alcarol FishEye 凳子
由水、鹽、船蛆和時間塑造而成的魚眼,是對這場跨越千年的史詩級海底鬥爭的致敬。 在拉古納逗留期間,這些橡木原木由 Teredo Navalis 深度雕刻,船蟲會在木質表面留下它們經過的痕跡,形成引人注目的圓形孔圖案,同時避開原木的內核,使其保持健康 和力量。 這在外部衰減和內部穩健性之間形成了美麗的對比。
Alcarol FishEye Stool
FishEye, which is sculpted by water, salt, shipworms and time, is a tribute to this epic submarine struggle that has transcended millennia. During their stay in the Laguna, these Oak logs are deeply sculpted by Teredo Navalis, shipworms that leaves traces of their passing on the wooden surface producing striking patterns of circular holes, whilst avoiding the inner core of the log, allowing it to maintain its health and strength. This creates a beautiful contrast between outer decay and inner robustness.
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LINE: @masha.carino