Barovier Camparino 檯燈
Camparino 是一款優雅、精緻的無線檯燈,將過去和現在融合在一個緊湊的單件中。 一方面它反映了穆拉諾玻璃製造的傳統,因為它使用了“rostrato”技術; 另一方面,它代表了現代性的極致:它的可充電鋰電池使其可以隨身攜帶,而技術意味著它可以通過拉絲黃銅調光器控制旋鈕的移動來打開或關閉,並調節其亮度。 底座採用珍貴的大理石製成,有兩種選擇:白色卡拉拉和比利時黑。
Barovier Camparino Table Lamp
Camparino is an elegant, sophisticated wireless table lamp that brings together past and present in a single, compact piece. On the one hand it reflects Murano glassmaking tradition, in that it uses the “rostrato” technique; on the other, it represents the ultimate in modernity: its rechargeable lithium battery allows it to be transported anywhere, while technology means that it can be turned on or off and its brightness adjusted with just a movement of the brushed brass dimmer control knob. The base is in precious marble, in two options: White Carrara and Belgian Black.
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