Poltrona Frau
Poltrona Frau Glenn Bench
著名的加拿大鋼琴家格倫·古爾德(Glenn Gould)非常喜歡他的私人鋼琴凳——實際上是一把舊椅子,他的父親根據他自己高度特殊的座位要求對其進行了改造——以至於他拒絕在沒有它的情況下演奏。
樺木膠合板框架有一個帶有 Wenge 或 Moka 染色的實心白蠟木底座,四個細長的腿為整體效果增添了一絲輕盈感。 座椅採用聚氨酯泡沫填充,而彈簧系統由彈性帶組成。
Poltrona Frau Glenn長凳
Famous Canadian pianist Glenn Gould was so attached to his personal piano stool – in reality an old chair which his father adapted to his own highly idiosyncratic seating requirements – that he refused to play without it.
The birch plywood frame has a solid ash base with Wenge or Moka stain, with four slender legs that add a touch of lightness to the overall effect. The seat is padded with polyurethane foam while the spring system consists of elastic belts.
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