Minotti Patio 茶几
Patio 戶外座椅系統具有高度通用的模塊化設計,被設想為動態馬賽克,由簡單幾何形狀的鑲嵌物組成,可以根據需要拼湊在一起,並重新配置以適應可用空間和要營造的氛圍。 Patio 提供一系列有趣的家具配件,從帶有拉絲細粒玄武岩檯面的咖啡桌、長凳,以及帶有擠壓鋁製底座的方形和長方形軟墊凳,創造性地混合了材料質地和精緻的自然色彩。
Minotti Patio coffee table
The Patio outdoor seating system, with its highly versatile modularity, is conceived as a dynamic mosaic, composed of tesserae in simple geometric shapes, which can be pieced together as desired, and reconfigured to suit the available space and the mood to be created. Patio offers an interesting range of furnishing accessories, from coffee tables with top in brushed fine-grain Basaltina stone, benches, and square and rectangular ottomans with extruded aluminium base, in a creative mix of materic textures and sophisticated, natural colours.
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