RIVA 1920
Riva 1920 Piano 書架
實木和多層 Piano 書架,書架由薄不銹鋼元件隔開。 它可以根據不同的家具需求,通過插入帶鉸鏈門的模塊或用燕尾接頭和側向凹進把手組裝的抽屜來安裝。 提供“雙面”元素,可用作房間隔板。
Riva 1920 Piano bookshelf
The Piano bookshelf in solid wood and multilayer, with shelves separated by thin stainless steel elements. It can be fitted according to different furnishing needs by inserting modules with hinged door or drawers assembled with dovetail joints and laterally recessed handle. Available with “double face” elements, it can be used as room divider.
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LINE: @masha.carino