Ligne roset Fifty 戶外椅子
Fifty 扶手椅的靈感顯然可以在“Flag Halyard Chair”中找到,這是一款由 Hans Wegner 於 1950 年在丹麥設計的金屬和繩索躺椅。
所使用的 350 米編織線有灰色、黑色或煙草色可供選擇,並設置在黑色鋼結構上。 Fifty 扶手椅無論放在哪個房間,都將成為雕塑般的存在,並將以其鋼結構的極簡主義設計與手工編織繩索的傳統溫暖的意想不到的結合而引起人們的興趣。 Ligne Roset 設計的 Fifty 既適用於室外也適用於室內。
Ligne roset Fifty outdoor chair
The inspiration for the Fifty armchair is clearly to be sought in the ''Flag Halyard Chair'', the recliner chair in metal and cord designed by Hans Wegner in Denmark in 1950.
The 350 metres of woven cord used is available in grey, black or tobacco colour, set on a black steel structure. The Fifty armchair will be a sculptural presence in whichever room it occupies and will intrigue with its unexpected alliance of the minimalist design of its steel structure and the traditional warmth of the hand-woven cord. Ligne Roset designed Fifty to be used outdoors as well as indoors.
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