Molteni 戶外
Phoenix 系列代表了極簡主義和現代美學,詮釋了地中海傳統元素:鐵鍛造和手工編織的聚丙烯繩索。
沙發有兩個版本,也有兩個墊子,寬度為 150 厘米和 180 厘米。 使用比鐵輕得多的鋁,可以輕鬆移動大尺寸家具。 元素的輕鬆移動和重新配置是戶外家具的固有特徵。
Molteni outdoor
The Phoenix collection represents a minimal and contemporary aesthetic that interprets elements of the Mediterranean tradition: fer forgé and hand woven polypropylene rope.
The sofa is available in two versions, also with two cushions, with widths of 150 and 180 cm. The use of aluminium, which weighs significantly less than iron, allows for easy movement of generously sized furniture. The easy movement and reconfiguration of elements is an inherent feature of outdoor furniture.
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LINE: @masha.carino