Alivar Bombay
Bombay 是一件具有異國情調的家具,內心狂野,形式嚴謹。 皮革覆層、相同飾面的手柄、量身定制的縫線以及用於固定單品的實用且裝飾性的夾子使其成為為家居每個角落帶來時尚氣息的配飾。 意大利胡桃木框架。 亞麻啞光漆內框。 外蓋、把手、內抽屜和拉出式擱板均覆蓋皮革。 配有用於化妝的升降鏡、用於掛腰帶的掛鉤和側面儲物隔層。 按需設置的托盤由:梳妝台貼身器、戒指架和手錶架組成。 緞面鎳閉合夾。
Alivar Bombay
Bombay is a piece of furniture with exotic charm, wild at heart and rigorous in form. The hide cladding, the handles with the same finish, the tailored stitching and the functional yet decorative clip to fasten the piece make it an accessory that brings style to every corner of the home. Frame in italian walnut . Linen matt lacquered inner frame. External cover, handles, inner drawers and pull out shelf covered in hide. Equipped with lift-up mirror for make up , hooks to hang belts and side storage compartments. Tray set on demand composed by: dresser valet, ring holder and watch holder. Closing clip in satin nickel.
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LINE: @masha.carino