Barovier & Toso Magritte 燈
Magritte 系列是一項概念性工作的成果,該工作調查了枝形吊燈的概念,直至重新思考和解構它。 受超現實主義語言的啟發,該系列按照傳統要求在多個層面上呈現出場景和優雅的佈局,但實際上它揭示了一種新的前衛設計。 帶臂的經典中央核心為模塊化衛星系統留出了空間,該系統被設想為同心擴展,就像一團光和吹製的玻璃。 該系列還包括帶有兩個燈的壁燈版本; 該模型謹慎而精緻,非常適合點綴公共和私人空間的牆壁。
Barovier & Toso Magritte lamp
The Magritte collection is the result of a conceptual work that investigates the idea of a chandelier to the point of rethinking and deconstructing it. Inspired by the surrealist language, the collection presents itself with a scenographic and elegant layout, on multiple levels, as tradition dictates, but in reality it reveals a new and avant-garde design. The classic central core with arms leaves room for a modular satellite system, conceived to be extended concentrically, like a cloud of light and blown glass. The collection also includes a wall sconce version with two lights; this model is discreet and refined, ideal to punctuate the walls of both public and private spaces.
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LINE: @masha.carino