Emmemobili Myring 燈光
Myring 燈基本上是一個金屬環。 像珠寶一樣珍貴。 作為每個家庭牆壁的光源和裝飾,它被放置在圓盤上,圓盤的飾面增強了實體和空隙的結合。 它實際上是兩個圓圈。 以兩種不同的方式下降。 第一個更空靈,以第二個的豐滿為食,它賴以生存和休息。
Emmemobili Myring Lighting
The Myring lamp is basically a metal ring. As precious as a jewel can be. A source of light and decoration for the walls of every home, it is placed on a disc whose finish enhances the combination of solids and voids. It is in fact two circles. Declined in two different ways. The first, more ethereal, feeds on the fullness of the second, on which it lives and rests.
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