Arketipo Rumours 茶几
打破紀錄的歌曲集,一套打破常規的家具——它們都有一個富有吸引力的名字和對個人表達的鼓舞人心的承諾。 材料是 Rumors 臨時餐桌的明顯主角,其桌面採用大理石。 這種非凡的寶石——既豐富、珍貴、兼收並蓄,又具有引人入勝的戲劇效果——在設計方面需要最大的謹慎。 對於每一件作品,三個金屬刀片支撐著頂部,並通過乾淨、精確的切割與它相交,這些切割打斷了曲線表面的雜色大理石紋理,在線條和區域之間產生迷人的對比,明確的和隱含的,有機的和自然的,以及那些是 理性和幾何。 Rumors 利用這些巧妙構思的對比,將自己同時呈現為一件精緻的家具和一顆規模驚人的耀眼寶石。
Arketipo Rumours side tables
A record-shattering collection of songs, a convention-defying set of furniture pieces—they share an intrigue-rich name and an inspiring commitment to individual expression. Material is the clear protagonist of the Rumours occasional tables, which sees marble employed for the tops. This remarkable stone—at once exuberant, precious, eclectic, and engagingly theatrical—requires the greatest discretion in terms of design. With each piece, three metal blades undergird the top and intersect it with clean, precise cuts that interrupt the variegated marble veining of the curvaceous surface, yielding captivating contrasts between lines and areas, explicit and implied, that are organic and natural and those that are rational and geometric. Rumours draws upon these artfully conceived contrasts to present itself as simultaneously a sophisticated piece of furniture and a dazzling gem of rapturous scale.
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LINE: @masha.carino