B&B Belle 椅子
Belle 木椅以其圓潤的線條和皮革軟墊座椅而引人注目。 圓形截面的腿在下部略微向外彎曲,給人一種古典的感覺。 在頂部,它們與靠背相連,形成優雅的肘形扶手。 靠背有兩種版本:採用與框架相同飾面的木質,或採用與座椅相配的皮革軟墊。 Belle 椅子巧妙地運用了文學和風格的參考,是 Bull 桌子的精緻、女性化的對應物,但也可以輕鬆地與其他型號組合。
B&B Belle chair
The Belle wooden chair stands out for its rounded lines and leather upholstered seat. The round section legs are given a classical feel by curving slightly outwards in the lower part. Towards the top they join up with the backrest to create elegant, elbow-shaped armrests. The backrest comes in two versions: in wood, in the same finishes as the frame, or upholstered in leather to match the seat. With a clever play of literary and stylistic references, the Belle chair is the delicate, feminine counterpart to the Bull table, but can easily be combined with other models as well.
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