Barovier & Toso Metropolis 枝形吊燈
Metropolis 是一個系列,它有力地喚起了裝飾藝術的階級、對稱和塑料形式,以和諧、流暢的節奏塑造。 枝形吊燈有一個聖杯形式的中央主體,從中伸出手臂,用吹製的威尼斯水晶手工製作。 這些作品因其堅固的直徑而脫穎而出,並通過縱向排列的外部羅紋軟化。 彎曲的手臂彎曲並向外伸展,先向下滑動,然後向上張開。 光源隱藏在乳白色玻璃杯內,兩端由金屬環環抱。 這些末端部分的造型、比例和整個結構都讓人聯想到頂部有柱頭的古典柱子的上部結構。 這種特殊的特性和材料之間的強烈對話在具有自己的設計和尺寸的優雅、基本的牆模型中更加生動。
Barovier & Toso Metropolis chandelier
Metropolis is a collection that forcefully evokes the class, symmetrical and plastic forms of Art Deco, shaped by a harmonious, fluid rhythm. The chandelier has a central body in the form of a chalice, from which arms extend, crafted by hand in blown Venetian crystal. The pieces stand out for their sturdy diameter, softened by the external ribbing with its longitudinal arrangement. The sinuous arms curve and reach outward, sliding down at first and then opening upward. The light source is concealed inside the cups in opaline glass, embraced at the two ends by metal collars. The mouldings, proportions and the entire construction of these terminal parts suggest the upper structure of classical columns topped by capitals. This particular character and intense dialogue between materials is even more vivid in the elegant, essential wall model, with its own design and measurements.
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