Baxter Miami Soft 沙發
Miami Soft,柔軟的室內裝潢手感細膩,採用生線縫合,以及可以用來完成它的元素的延展性靈活性 - 多種尺寸的靠墊和長枕,一個是獨立的,另一個是獨立的 在靠背上 - 讓人想起 1950 年代和 60 年代設計雜誌中拍攝的內部管理理念。 在這裡,Baxter 借助“非常適合自然放鬆或交談”的 Miami Soft 對這種二元論進行了闡述和總結:沙發的一個關鍵特徵是它的雙面性,它位於房間的中央,它邀請您進入 坐在你最喜歡的一邊,強調對家庭空間的自由態度。 不僅如此,通過移動靠枕,座椅可以變長或變短,讓您完全被包裹或享受更輕鬆的舒適感。
Baxter Miami Soft sofa
Miami Soft, in the delicacy given by the velvety hand of the upholstery, finished with raw thread stitching, and the ductile flexibility of the elements with which it can be completed - the cushions in several sizes and the bolster pillows, one independent and the others on the backrest - recalls that idea of interior management photographed in the design magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. Here, with Miami Soft, which is “perfect for indulging natural relaxation or conversation”, Baxter elaborates on and summarises this dualism: a key feature of the sofa is its double-sidedness, positioned in the centre of a room, it invites you to take a seat on your favourite side, to emphasise that freedom of approach to domestic space. Not only that, by moving the bolster pillow, the seat can be made longer or shorter, so that you can be completely enveloped or enjoy more relaxed comfort.
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