Fredericia J39 椅子
J39 功能多樣、工藝精湛且具有標誌性,以其永恆的魅力和持久的耐用性而著稱。 它由 Børge Mogensen 設計並於 1947 年推出,至今已持續生產超過 75 年,並從那時起一直用於私人住宅、小酒館和公共機構。 這種經久不衰的設計以樸素的表達方式和可持續的品質繼續激勵著世界各地的人們。
Fredericia J39 chair
Versatile, crafted and iconic, the J39 is recognised for its timeless appeal and lasting durability. Designed by Børge Mogensen and launched in 1947, it has been in continuous production for more than 75 years, and has been used in private homes, brasseries and public institutions ever since. This enduring design continues to inspire people around the world with the power of modest expression and sustainable quality.
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