Knoll Bastiano 沙發
當 Tobia Scarpa 於 1962 年首次設計 Bastiano 沙發時,他希望提供精緻優雅、休閒舒適的座椅。 為了與啟發它的精神保持一致,Bastiano Collection 已經適應了更現代的家庭環境的比例。 該系列提供更廣泛和更輕鬆的設計,以產生它的極其舒適和優雅的非正式概念為基礎。
Knoll Bastiano sofa
When Tobia Scarpa first designed the Bastiano Sofa in 1962, he wanted to provide seating that was sophisticated and elegant, yet casual and comfortable. In keeping with the spirit that inspired it, the Bastiano Collection has been adapted to the proportions of a more contemporary domestic environment. The collection offers wider and more relaxed designs to build on the extremely comfortable and elegantly informal concept that generated it.
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