Poliform Mad 躺椅
精緻優雅是 Mad Chaise Longue 的特點,這款不對稱扶手椅因其舒適性和尺寸而成為 Mad 系列的一部分。 細緻嚴謹的工藝體現在細節處,例如與外殼外部相匹配的皮革包腳。 與該系列中的其他扶手椅一樣,Mad Chaise Longue 的內座和外殼可以採用材料裝飾。
Poliform Mad Chaise Longue
A sophisticated elegance characterises the Mad Chaise Longue, an asymmetrical armchair that stands out as part of the Mad series for its comfort and size. Careful and rigorous craftsmanship is revealed in details such as the leather-covered feet that match the outside of the shell. As with the other armchairs in the series, Mad Chaise Longue can be upholstered with materials on the inner seat and outer shell.
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LINE: @masha.carino