Promemoria Asterya 櫃子
Asterya 櫥櫃最初是 Amaranthine Tales 系列的一部分,是 Promemoria 向時間及其不可定義和不可阻擋的流動致敬。 柔和圓潤的線條回歸蜿蜒、流暢的設計。 Asterya 櫥櫃今年以清新的淺色調重新推出,其特點是天然菩提樹和光滑的 crema 皮革覆蓋的門。 擱板、抽屜和內部餐墊均採用皮革製成。
Promemoria Asterya cabinet
The Asterya cabinet, originally part of the Amaranthine Tales collection, a tribute Promemoria has paid to time and its indefinable and unstoppable flow. The soft and rounded lines return a sinuous, fluid design. Asterya cabinet has been reintroduced this year in the freshness of its light tones, characterized by natural linden and doors covered in smooth crema leather. The shelves, drawers and interior placemats are in leather.
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LINE: @masha.carino