Cassina Tramonto 沙發
Tramonto 沙發是 20 世紀的設計標誌,象徵著意大利設計的活力、創新和創造力,其大師之一 Gaetano Pesce 重新設計了一個限量系列,保留了原版的所有表現力和相關性。 對於三人座沙發,帶襯墊的摩天大樓採用獨特的織物裝飾,具有凸起的紋理,將光影並置,營造出光線從窗戶反射出來的效果。 相比之下,夕陽裹著艷麗的紅色緞子,落在構成靠背的建築物之間。
Cassina Tramonto sofa
The Tramonto sofa is a 20th century design icon, symbol of the vitality, innovation and creativity of Italian design and one of its masters, Gaetano Pesce, re-edited in a limited series that maintains all of the expressive power and relevance of the original. For the three-seater sofa, the padded skyscrapers are upholstered in an exclusive fabric with a raised texture that juxtaposes light and shadow, creating the effect of light reflecting off the windows. In contrast, the setting sun, wrapped in vivid red satin, drops between the buildings that form the backrest.
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