Maxalto Erik 床
Erik 床頭板(安裝在不同高度的牆壁)由兩個面板組成。 頂部面板略微傾斜,並具有軟化基本設計的裝飾元素。 圓形花邊圖案重複四次,以匹配的色調或對比色,伴隨著床頭板上周邊周圍的毯子針跡邊框。 這些裝飾品讓人回想起讓 Cantù 以其手工蕾絲而聞名的傳統,當時“bisetta”是 Erik 所用蕾絲類型的詞(在當地方言中)。
Maxalto Erik bed
The Erik headboard (wall mounted at different heights) is made up of two panels. The top panel is slightly inclined and has a decorative element that softens the essential design. A circular lace motif repeated four times, in matching tones or contrast, accompanies a blanket stitch border around the upper perimeter of the headboard. These decorations recall the tradition that made Cantù famous for its handmade lace, when “bisetta” was the word (in the local dialect) for the type of lace used for Erik.
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