Moooi Starfall Light 燈
使用 Front 的 Starfall Light 燈在星空下生活! Starfall Light 是一款具有現代風格的圓形吊燈。 這款倒置吊燈點綴著 30 個 LED 光源,為您的家中帶來永恆的星空墜落。 30條長短不一的纖細手臂,讓它不僅像流星,更像星空夜空,高低錯落有光點。 一個全新的星座等待被發現! 由於支臂已經就位,因此安裝起來輕而易舉,因此您可以在片刻之內欣賞流星。
Moooi Starfall Light lamp
Live under the stars with the Starfall Light lamp by Front! The Starfall Light is a circular suspension light with a contemporary twist. Punctuated with 30 LED light sources, this upside-down chandelier brings perpetual star fall in your home. Thanks to 30 slim arms of different lengths, it not only resembles falling stars but also a starry night sky with dots of light at varying heights. A brand-new constellation waiting to be discovered! Installation is a breeze, thanks to the arms already in place, so you can enjoy your falling stars within moments.
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LINE: @masha.carino