Poliform Westside 沙發
Westside 沙發是現代的多功能沙發,優雅地改寫了起居區的體驗。 軟墊模塊可以並排放置以創造最多樣化的配置——從雙面島到經典的轉角沙發——而符合人體工程學的躺椅、移動靠背和小桌子等元素豐富了它的功能。 歡樂的原型,以最大的自由安排和體驗。
Poliform Westside sofa
Westside sofa is contemporary, multifunctional that elegantly rewrites the living area experience. The upholstered modules can be placed side by side to create the most diverse configurations – from the double-sided island to the classic corner sofa – while elements such as the ergonomic chaise longue, the mobile backrest and the small tables enrich its functionality. An archetype of conviviality, to be arranged and experienced with the utmost freedom.
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LINE: @masha.carino