Barovier & Toso Taif 燈
一位國王,他的宮殿,標誌性的塔伊夫枝形吊燈; 經驗和精選材料的完美結合,打造出令人驚嘆的無與倫比的和諧。 塔伊夫 (Taif) 於 1980 年在同名城市塔伊夫 (Taif) 為沙特國王的故居而創建,因此得名。 構思設計的 Angelo Barovier 重新思考了傳統穆拉諾枝形吊燈的形象,保留了威尼斯水晶的價值,同時融入了新的語言。 那麼,傳統與創造力、記憶與創新的混合體,從中綻放出經過時間考驗的經典平衡。
Barovier & Toso Taif lamp
A king, his palace, the iconic Taif chandelier; the perfect synthesis of experience and selected materials wrought with stunning and unequalled harmony. Taif was created in 1980 for the home of the Saudi king in the eponymous city of Taif, whence comes the name. Angelo Barovier, who conceived the design, rethought the image of the traditional Murano chandelier, preserving the value of Venetian crystal while incorporating new languages. An amalgam, then, of tradition and creativity, of memory and innovation, from which blossoms the time-tested equilibrium of the classical.
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