Rivolta Oscar 沙發
OSCAR 沙發有多種尺寸可供選擇,採用皮革和不可拆卸織物製成。 底座採用卡納萊托胡桃木或皮革覆蓋的山毛櫸木。 實木框架。 懸掛式鬆緊帶。 框架和座墊填充不同密度的不可變形聚氨酯泡沫,由聚酯纖維覆蓋。 靠墊填充新鵝毛,水洗消毒,分為特殊防穿孔棉段。
Rivolta Oscar Sofa
OSCAR sofa available in different dimensions, with cover in leather and non removable fabric. Base available in Canaletto walnut or beech wood covered in leather. Frame in solid wood. Suspension elastic belt. Frame and seat cushion padding non deformable polyurethane foam with different densities, covered by polyester fibre. Back cushion padding new goose feather, washed and sterilized, divided into special anti-perforation cotton sections.
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