Floe Insel 沙發作為一個浮島。 這款設計沙發充滿了舒適的精髓,通過極其寬大的比例和舒適的不對稱形狀來表達,並飾有對角線縫線,增強了運動的印象。
每個元素都包含一條成 25 度角的不對稱線條,使其與眾不同且獨一無二。 與此同時,座椅和靠背採用斜線縫線,突出了運動感。
Floe Insel sofa as a floating island. A design sofa imbued with the essence of comfort, expressed through extremely generous proportions and cozy asymmetrical shapes embellished with diagonal stitching that heightens the impression of movement.
Each element incorporates an asymmetrical line at a 25 degree angle, which makes it different and unique. The seats and backs, meanwhile, feature diagonal stitching that accentuates the sense of movement.
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