Alcarol Rapolando 茶几
在大約 300 萬年前的上新世時期,那些從基安蒂山頂觀察景觀的人會看到一條大約 30 公里寬的大海向東南延伸至少 80 公里。
然後隨著海洋逐漸從該地區撤出,確定了粘土、砂岩和礫岩的典型地層中岩體的重疊,然而,它們的沉積物仍然受到海平面波動的影響,儘管相對而言 短時間內,他再次回來入侵陸地,交替的潟湖、海灘和淺海環境。
Alcarol Rapolando Coffee tables
During the Pliocene epoch, about three million years ago, those who had observed the landscape from the top of the Chianti hills, would have seen an arm of the sea, about thirty kilometers wide, extend towards South-East for at least 80 Km. A similar physiographic situation strongly influenced the constitution of the territory, forming that sea basin that acted as a formidable area of recall and accumulation of sediments carried by the water, unloading the fragments of rocks in the sea.
Then with the progressive withdrawal of the sea from the region it was determined the overlap of rock bodies in the typical stratigraphy of clays, sandstones and conglomerates, whose deposits – however – remained influenced by the oscillations of the sea level, which, although for relatively short periods, he again came back to invade the land, alternating environments of lagoon, beach, and shallow sea.
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