Artisan Neva Light
紅點獎得主,Neva Light Chair 設計優雅經典,通過柔軟、棱角分明的邊緣和過渡表現出感性和流暢的形式。 除了符合人體工程學,其精緻的表面還帶來了額外的觸覺探索。 由經驗豐富的工匠精心手工完成,極其輕薄。 座椅可以用實木訂購,也可以用皮革或織物裝飾。 涅瓦椅曾參與眾多國際項目。 Artisan 在生產中只使用可再生資源的實木,只使用環保材料進行處理,天然油和蠟強調木材紋理的奢華和有機美,使其能夠自然“呼吸”。 這強調了自然顏色的多樣性,同時通過使用乙烯基膠避免了使用有害化學物質進行木材處理。
Artisan Neva Light
Red Dot Award Winner, the Neva Light Chair is elegant and classic in design which features sensual and fluid form expressed through soft, angular edges and transitions. Besides the ergonomics, its delicate surfaces invite additional tactile exploration. Supremely thin and light with meticulous hand-finishing from experienced craftsmen. The seat can be ordered in solid timber, or upholstered with leather or fabric. The Neva Chair has featured in numerous international projects. Artisan only uses solid wood from renewable resources in their production, only environmentally-friendly materials for treatment, natural oils and wax that emphasize the luxurious and organic beauty of wood texture and that enable it to “breathe” naturally. This emphasizes the natural colour diversity, while the use of harmful chemical substances for wood treatment is avoided by using vinyl-based glue.
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