Promemoria 戶外
Varenna 的靈感來自對科莫湖風景的熱愛。 Promemoria 的整個戶外系列都從令人難以置信的豐富湖泊景觀中汲取靈感,並以精緻的形狀和珍貴的材料向它致敬。 Varenna 是一款帶扶手或不帶扶手的陽檯椅,採用不同顏色的彩色白蠟木框架。 提供可拆卸的織物坐墊,適合戶外使用。 這把椅子是 Varenna 戶外座椅系列的一部分。
Promemoria outdoor
Varenna is inspired by the love for the landscapes of Lake Como. The entire outdoor collection of Promemoria takes its cue from the incredible richness of the lake landscapes and pays homage to it with delicate shapes and precious materials. Varenna is a veranda chair with or without armrests, with stained ash-wood frame in different colours. Available with removable cushion in fabric for outdoor use. The chair is part of the Varenna family of outdoor seating.
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LINE: @masha.carino