近 30 年來,賈斯珀·莫里森 (Jasper Morrison) 的床以真正原型的真實吸引力為特徵,在 Cappellini 收藏中佔有一席之地。
這張軟墊床有金屬和木框架,帶壁板; 襯墊採用多密度聚氨酯泡沫製成,而腳由天然拋光鋁製成。 該系列中的面料和皮革均採用可拆卸保護套。 該型號還提供額外的可拆卸蓋板; 對於短款,腳是可見的,而較長的荷葉邊款可以到達地板。
Characterized by the authentic appeal of a true archetype, Bed by Jasper Morrison has held a well-earned place in the Cappellini Collection for nearly 30 years.
This padded bed has a metal and wood frame with staves; the padding is in multi-density polyurethane foam, whereas the feet are made of natural polished aluminium. The removable cover comes in the fabrics and leathers in the collection. This model is also available with an additional removable cover; for the short version the feet are visible, whereas the longer flounced version reaches the floor.
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