這個模型系列的柔軟軟墊外殼和極其舒適的靠墊在生活空間中創造了一個島嶼。 無論是沙發、扶手椅還是凳子,它都能讓人放鬆和夢想。 DS-102 系列可用作 Recamière 沙發,其輪廓可根據業主的選擇向左或向右延伸,傳達出現代的慷慨和熱情。 引人注目的縱橫交錯核心皮革鞋帶突出了形式的吸引力。
A series with an eye-catching, core leather lacing
This model series’ softly upholstered shell with its extremely comfortable cushions creates an island in the living space. Whether as a sofa, armchair or stool, it invites to relax and to dream. Available as a Recamière sofa and with contours extending to the left or right at the owner’s option, the DS-102 series conveys modern generosity and hospitality. The eye-catching, criss-cross core leather lacing accentuates the appeal of the form.
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