因斯布魯克床的床頭板和長凳框架採用智利膠合板製成。 差異密度聚氨酯泡沫填充丙烯酸纖維覆蓋。 同色系皮革裝飾滾邊。 床頭板裝飾絎縫採用相同色調的皮革。 皮革覆蓋的床頭板背面,用於床頭板背面的長凳,不帶長凳,房間中間有傾斜的床頭板。 沒有長凳的床頭板的天鵝絨覆蓋背面,帶有直床頭板,靠近牆壁。 床架和床頭板採用可拆卸皮革製成。 腳在胡桃木染色的山毛櫸中。
The Innsbruck bed's headboard and bench frame in Chilean plywood. Differentiated density polyurethane foam filling with acrylic fibre covers. Decorative piping in the same shade of leather. Headboard decorative quilting in the same shade of leather. Leather-covered back of the headboard for the bed with bench at the back of the headboard and without bench with a tilted headboard for the middle of the room. Velvet-covered back of the headboard for the bed without bench with a straight headboard, adjacent to wall. Bed frame and headboard upholstery in removable leather. Feet in walnut-stained beech.
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