由法國設計師二人組 Ronan 和 Erwan Bouroullec 為 Cappellini 設計的 Basket 扶手椅具有休閒、輕鬆的魅力。 該系列由一張兩人和三人座的沙發和一張寬大的扶手椅組成,提供了嘗試流行和經典色彩搭配的機會。
2021 年,這個“嵌套”軟墊扶手椅系列迎來兩款新型號,其靠背比原始版本更高。 這兩個新版本也確保了高流量地點的高度隱私,是滿足現代合同設置需求的完美答案。
A casual, relaxed appeal characterizes the Basket armchair, created for Cappellini by the French designer-duo, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec. The collection, composed of a two and three-seater sofa and a wide armchair, provides the opportunity to play with chromatic pairings, both pop and classic. In 2021, this family of “nesting” padded armchairs welcomes two new models featuring a higher back rest than the original version. These two new editions, which also ensure a high level of privacy in high-traffic locations, are the perfect answer to meet the contemporary needs for contract settings.
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