Minotti. Belt 沙發
腰帶系列背後的獨特特徵和靈感是腰帶的理念,可以勾勒出身體的輪廓。 特別是在皮革版本中,條帶被縫在一塊粘合皮革上以提供支撐並確保一致的厚度:它被應用到覆蓋物上,就像腰帶被應用到衣服上一樣,並且需要超複雜的製作工藝 遵循座椅的彎曲形狀,並保持可見的接縫完全筆直和均勻。
Minotti. Belt sofa
The distinctive characteristic and inspiration behind the Belt family is the idea of a belt that draws the profile of the body. In particular, in the leather version, the strip is sewn onto a piece of bonded leather to lend support and ensure a consistent thickness: it is applied to the covering as a belt is applied to a dress and an ultra-sophisticated crafting process is required to follow the curved shape of the seat and keep the visible seams perfectly straight and even.
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