Minotti. Prince "Cord" 扶手椅
去除了 2012 年原始版本特有的填充物,Prince “Cord” Indoor 露出了外殼的骨架,現在的特點是交織著皮革覆蓋的管狀弦。 該設計的靈感來自 50 年代的美國現代主義,通過複雜的壓鑄技術實現的錫色鋁製底座強調了這一點。 織物或皮革軟墊的座椅和靠墊突出了扶手椅的柔軟性。
Minotti. Prince "Cord" armchair
Stripped of the padding that characterised the original version of 2012, the Prince "Cord" Indoor reveals the skeleton of the shell which now features an interweaving of leather-covered tubular strings. The design, inspired by the American modernism of the Fifties, is underlined by the Pewter-coloured aluminium base realised through a complex die-casting technique. The softness of the armchair is accentuated by the fabric or leather-upholstered seat and back cushions.
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