Minotti. Pollock 沙發
Pollock 是經典的沙發,由 Minotti 設計。 Pollock 座椅系統以現代眼光重新審視了 90 年代末公司暢銷書同名座椅系統的美學價值。 原創的金屬高腳,其獨特的設計和形狀的比例,以優雅的滾邊勾勒出輪廓,賦予古典與現代完美平衡的裝飾魅力。 得益於壓鑄技術,腳部的設計柔化成更彎曲的線條,而錫灰色飾面則突出了其精緻優雅。
Minotti. Pollock sofa
Pollock is the quintessential sofa, as designed by Minotti. With a contemporary eye, the Pollock seating system revisits the aesthetic values that distinguished the eponymous seating system, a company best-seller at the end of the ‘90s. The original high foot in metal with its distinctive design and the proportions of its shapes, outlined in elegant piping, lend decorative appeal that is perfectly poised between classicism and modernity. Thanks to die-casting technology, the design of the foot softens into more sinuous lines while the Pewter color finish accentuates its refined elegance.
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