Minotti. Freeman "Tailor" 沙發
憑藉其高度創新的個性,弗里曼“裁縫”詮釋了當前廣泛的需求,即創造充滿活力、裝飾各異的休閒島,讓人們在其中生活得更親密——比如閱讀和完全放鬆,或者更多的社交時刻,比如與家人交談或共度時光 和朋友。 Freeman“Tailor”是一系列有序的造型,一體式座椅飾有優雅的縫線,突出了其圖形和現代個性。
Minotti. Freeman "Tailor" sofa
With its highly innovative personality, Freeman “Tailor” interprets the current widespread need to create dynamic, differently accessorized islands of relaxation in which to live more intimately - like for reading and chilling out completely, or more social moments like conversing or spending time with family and friends. Freeman “Tailor” is an orderly clustering of shapes, with one-piece seats decorated with elegant stitching that accentuates its graphic, modern personality.
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