Moroso Bloomy 矮桌
Bloomy 是一把扶手椅,讓人聯想到花朵的植物生長。 花蕾變成了椅子,開放的花朵變成了躺椅,扶手椅是盛開的花朵。 BLOOMY 扶手椅系統豐富了新的組件:兩張線條清晰的沙發和圓潤的靠背。 根據所選擇的覆蓋物,它具有新的、經典的或現代的內涵。 為了完善該系列,有一張桌子可以在各種情況下使用,既可以陪伴沙發和扶手椅,也可以獨自快樂地站立。
Moroso Bloomy Low Table
Bloomy is an armchair that evokes the vegetative beginnings of the flower. The bud has become a chair, the open flower a lounge chair and the armchair is the flower in full bloom. The BLOOMY system of armchairs is enriched with new components: two sofas with well-defined lines and with a back with a rounded line. Depending on the covering chosen, it takes on new, classic or contemporary connotations. To complete the range, there is a table that can be used in a variety of situations, either to accompany the sofa and armchairs, or standing happily on their own.
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