Moroso Cubikoo 矮桌
壽司、Karmakoma、Juju、甜甜圈、Joy、錦緞刺繡、東方象徵、花卉圖案和數字網格:這個系列在豐富的層次感中找到了自己的身份。 有不同的輸入和刺激的積累,從建築形式到民間傳說的各種圖像的狂躁流動。 傳統、未來、數字理性、立體感、浪漫主義、迷幻狂喜、織物的視覺大熔爐、對空虛的恐懼、和諧、不謙虛、精緻和幾何嚴謹……無盡的圖像和視覺系列,既不嚇人也不恐嚇,但 而是歡迎用戶進入一個柔軟、催眠的萬花筒。
Moroso Cubikoo Low Table
Sushi, Karmakoma, Juju, Donut, Joy, damask embroidery, oriental symbolism, floral patterns and digital grids: a collection which finds its identity in the abundance of layering. There is an accumulation of different inputs and stimuli, a manic flow which goes from architectural forms to various images from folklore. Traditional, futuristic, digital rationality, three-dimensional, romantic, psychedelic elation, a visual melting pot of fabric, fear of emptiness, harmony, immodest, delicacy and geometric severity…an endless series of images and visions , which neither frightens nor intimidates but rather welcomes the user into a soft, hypnotic kaleidoscope.
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