Maxalto Lithos 存儲單元
一系列櫥櫃和展示元素旨在以優雅的方式保護和展示最珍貴的物品。 非常適合家庭和商業空間,也可以放置在房間的中心,這些作品可以以完美的順序輕鬆查看、提取和重新定位它們的內容。 櫥櫃有一種尺寸和三種不同的版本,帶有可抽出的托盤和抽屜。 整個系列的頂部都採用透明的超透明玻璃和精緻顏色的彩繪金屬結構。 擱板、抽屜和可抽取式托盤——後者俱有皮革襯裡——有不同的木材可供選擇。
Maxalto Lithos Storage Units
A series of cabinets and display elements destined to safeguard and exhibit the most precious objects with great elegance. Ideal for both homes and commercial spaces, to be placed also in the centre of the room, these pieces allow their contents to be viewed, extracted and repositioned easily with perfect order. Cabinets are available in one size and in three different versions with extractable trays and drawers. The entire range pairs tops in transparent extra clear glass with painted metal structures in sophisticated colours. Shelves, drawers and extractable trays – the latter featuring a leather lining – are available in different wood options.
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