Poliform Tratto 地毯
Tratto 是一款現代設計的地毯,由觸感柔軟的喜馬拉雅羊毛和具有彩虹色效果的竹絲混紡而成。 它以幾何圖案而著稱,並提供三種鮮豔的顏色組合:鴿灰色底座上的鐵鏽色、鴿子灰色底座上的木炭色和木炭底座上的鴿子灰色,有正方形和長方形版本。
Poliform Tratto carpet
Tratto is a contemporary design rug made from a blend of Himalayan wool, which is soft to the touch, and bamboo silk, which casts an iridescent effect. It is distinguished by geometric patterns and available in three vibrant colour combinations: rust on a dove grey base, charcoal on a dove grey base and dove grey on a charcoal base, in square and rectangular versions.
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