Ceccotti Collezioni Arturo Consolle 玄關桌
當控制台具有平衡且最小的線條時,幾乎可以躡手躡腳地進入家庭空間。 它可以橫向放置在衣櫃旁邊或入口處:Arturo 控制台的特點是設計嚴謹。
由 Christophe Pillet 設計,它呈現出一種視覺上引人注目的結構,幾乎似乎漂浮在太空中。 非常堅固,由堅固的美國胡桃木和單板膠合板製成。
Ceccotti Collezioni Arturo Console
When the console has well-balanced and minimal lines that allow it to almost tiptoe into the domestic space. It can be placed transversely next to a wardrobe or at the entrance: Arturo console is characterized by a certain rigour in design.
Designed by Christophe Pillet, it presents a visually compelling structure which almost seems to float in space. Very solid, it is made of solid American walnut and veneered plywood.
A timeless furnishing, with a wood or leather-covered top, made more functional by the drawer.
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