Edra Corallo 椅子
Corallo扶手椅是一窩“珊瑚”,不規則寬座,由手工彎曲的不銹鋼絲編織而成,這一工藝決定了每件單品的獨特性。 對數百個焊縫進行清潔、刷洗,然後進行修圓以避免尖銳邊緣或粗糙度:如此復雜和藝術工藝的勞動需要整整一周的時間。 非常適合室內和室外使用。
Edra Corallo chair
The Corallo armchair is a nest of “coral” with irregular wide seat, formed by the weaving of stainless steel wire bent by hand, a process that determines the uniqueness of each piece. The hundreds of welds are cleaned, brushed and then rounded to avoid sharp edges or roughness: a labor of such complexity and artistic craftsmanship to require an entire week. Perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
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LINE: @masha.carino