MDF Italia Aїku 椅子
Aїku來自日語“俳句”(俳句),意思是一首短詩,一般由三節經文組成。 美妙的詩篇,幾句話就表達了非凡的意義; 一首簡單的詩,沒有多餘的詞彙和連詞,從建議中汲取力量。 由於其令人難以置信的短暫性,它需要大量的思想和圖像綜合。
這個詞的含義和聲音揭示了項目的概念,以調和用途和敏感性的悖論。 Aїku 可以是激進的,但同時也是為家庭環境以及辦公室和公共空間設計的精緻建築。
MDF Italia Aїku Chair
Aїku comes from the Japanese word “haiku” ( 俳句), and it means a short poem generally composed of three verses. Wonderful poems that in a few words express remarkable meanings; a simple poem, with no lexical frills and conjunctions, taking its strength from suggestions. Due to its incredible shortness, it requires a considerable synthesis of thought and image.
The meaning and the sound of this word reveal the project’s concept, to reconcile the paradoxes of uses and sensitiveness. Aїku can be radical, but at the same time is a refined architecture designed for domestic environments, as well as offices and public spaces.
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