PP Mobler
PP Mobler pp505 Cow Horn 椅子
牛角椅於 1952 年設計,是 Wegner 職業生涯突破 pp501/pp503 圓椅的直接後續產品。 形狀和理念的連續性是顯而易見的,但設計目的不同,韋格納創造了一把更小的椅子,可以很容易地放在桌子下面,因此更適合餐桌。
扶手僅由兩塊實木組成,每塊都是用大約 200 年樹齡的庇護樹雕刻而成。
PP Mobler pp505 Cow Horn Chair
Designed in 1952 the Cow Horn Chair is the immediate follow up on the breakthrough of Wegner’s career, pp501/pp503 Round Chair. The continuity in shape and philosophy is obvious but designed for a different purpose, Wegner created a smaller chair that would easily fit underneath the table thus making it more suitable for the dining set.
The armrest consists of only two pieces of solid wood each carved from shelter trees of around 200 years old.
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