PP Mobler pp62/pp52 Captain's 椅子
船長椅結合了一段蒸汽彎曲的木材和兩塊從 2.5 英寸厚的木板上切割而成的實木,並排成一行並配對。 這種複雜的結構提供了類似於圓椅的舒適感,但對木材的尺寸要求不高。 蒸汽彎曲和實心部分在視覺上由一塊對比鮮明的單板分開,背面的兩塊實木用對比鮮明的木榫連接。 與牛角椅、公牛椅和極簡椅一樣,船長椅的施工難度極大,沒有任何失誤的餘地,每一次連接都必須完美。
PP Mobler pp62/pp52 Captain's Chair
The Captain’s Chair combines a length of steam bent wood with two pieces of solid wood cut from a 2½ inch plank in line of one another and paired. This sophisticated construction provides a comfort similar to that of the Round Chair but is not quite as demanding in terms of the size of the timber. The steam bent and the solid parts are visually divided by a piece of contrasting veneer and the two pieces of solid wood in the back are connected with contrasting wood tenons. Common with the Cow Horn, Bull and Minimal Chairs, the construction of the Captain’s Chair is extremely difficult to execute, there is no room for error, the joints have to be perfect every time.
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