B&B Ayana 沙發
Ayana 戶外沙發以其溫暖的極簡主義而創新,提供兩人座和三人座版本,將木材視為絕對主角。 雖然深度和高度是對東南亞傳統的明確參考,但靠背讓人想起瑞典的牆吧,一種鍛煉設備變成了承重元素。 通過這種解決方案,創造出優雅的交叉點和比例相互作用,Ayana 沙發也可以放置在房間的中央。 沙發扶手可與易於固定和拆卸的靠墊組合使用,必要時有助於更舒適地躺下。
B&B Ayana Sofa
Innovative in its warm minimalism, the Ayana outdoor sofa, available in a two- and three-seater version, sees wood as the absolute protagonist. While the depths and heights are a clear reference to the south-east Asian tradition, the backrest recalls a Swedish wall bar, a piece of exercising equipment turned into a load-bearing element. Through this solution, creating an elegant interplay of intersections and proportions, the Ayana sofas can also be placed in the centre of the room. The sofa armrest can be combined with a cushion that is easy to fasten and remove and helps to lie down more comfortably if necessary.
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