B&B Charles 沙發
Charles 沙發系統的戶外版本 - B&B Italia 的長期暢銷產品 - 保留了室內設計項目的質量和使其成為純現代品味經典的特徵。 事實上,該系統具有與倒“L”形腳相同的纖薄框架、靈活性和標誌性設計。 憑藉其嚴謹、永恆的美感,它以其輕巧的內部鋁製框架和由開放式交錯聚丙烯帶創建的外表面而脫穎而出。
B&B Charles Sofa
The outdoor version of the Charles sofa system - a long-time bestseller for B&B Italia - preserves the quality of the interior design project and the characteristics that made it a classic of pure contemporary taste. Indeed, the system features the same slim frame, flexibility and signature design of the inverted “L” shaped feet. With its rigorous, timeless aesthetic, it stands out for its lightweight internal aluminium frame and an external surface created by an open interlacing polypropylene ribbon.
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