Saba Italia
Saba Italia Wabi 雙人床
這張床有一個橢圓形的木質床頭板,填充有聚氨酯泡沫。 在中央部分,創建了一個更柔軟的插入物,以實現舒適的靠背功能。
床架由一個擴展的周邊組成,它吸引了它的重要體積。 帶木板條的床架由實心白蠟木支腳支撐,採用白蠟木飾面或胡桃色或黑色開孔噴漆飾面。 特點是可以將腳放置在與床架對齊的外部垂直位置,或水平放置在床架內。
Saba Italia Wabi Double Bed
The bed has an oval wooden structured headboard, padded with polyurethane foam. In the central part, a softer insert has been created to allow a comfortable backrest function.
The bed frame consists of an expanded perimeter that draws its important volume. The bed base with wooden slats is supported by solid ash feet in blanched finishing or open-pore painted finish in walnut-color or black. The peculiarity is the possibility of placing the feet in an external vertical position in line with the bed frame, or horizontally inside the bed frame.
The product’s upholstery is completely removable, a distinctive feature is the presence of piping on the seam along the perimeter of the headboard and the bed frame.
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