Saba Italia
Saba Italia Bed & Breakfast 雙人床
床和早餐是一張沙發,只需折疊靠背即可變成一張舒適的床。 沙發床很容易打開,這要歸功於在底座底部切出的矩形孔,以及彈簧盒的特殊結構,彈簧盒在指接機構上水平運行以產生所需的額外長度。 床和早餐系列包括沙發雙人床和躺椅單人床。 這是對新一代材料進行先進研究的結果,這些材料可提供最大的舒適度和最佳的彈性。 超大分散靠墊展開形成一個小被子,然後可以重新折疊並用兩個鈕扣固定,以提供出色的背部支撐。 完全可拆卸的蓋子。
Saba Italia Bed & Breakfast Double Bed
Bed & Breakfast is a sofa which transforms into a comfortable bed simply by folding down the backrest. The sofa bed is easy to open, thanks to a rectangular hole cut into the underside of the base, and to the special structure of the boxspring, which runs horizontally on a finger-jointed mechanism to create the extra length needed. Bed and Breakfast ranges are comprised of the Sofa-double bed and the Chaise Longue-single bed. This is the result of advanced research into new-generation materials which give maximum comfort with optimum resilience. The maxi scatter cushions unfold to create a small quilt, and can then be refolded and fastened with two buttons, to offer excellent back support. Fully removable covers.
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